
Sunday, October 05, 2003

Only 3 more days to get your vote in for the grub suit! I haven't gotten too many votes, but at this point exit polls show the color rhubarb to be the front runner.

If you haven't voted yet--and unless you are my grandmother or my aunt and uncle, YOU HAVEN'T!!!--do it today. Right now, we're 27 votes shy of the necessary 30 that it will take to get me to post a picture of the grub suit.

Remember, if you don't vote, you can't complain about the results later. So get out the vote!! Your grub-in-waiting is counting on you.

(If you HAVE voted using the email link to the right, and you haven't gotten a confirmation from me, send me an email without using the link and let me know. Sometimes that mailto link is less than reliable.)

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