
Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Here's a first for me--dealing with a German telemarketer! Some fellow was taking a survey, and even though I told him "Mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut," he seemed hell-bent on getting answers from me.

I was rather proud of myself. I was able to tell him my age and Fred's age and the kids' ages. He asked my occupation, and I told him Hausfrau, but only because I don't know how to say "homeschooling domestic goddess" in German. Then he asked me a bunch of questions about some tax and whether I thought my life was better or worse for it. I told him I don't know beans about German taxes but that life seems pretty darn good overall. (Actually, come to think of it, this was probably my first German obscene phone call, and I just THOUGHT he was talking about taxes.)

And in other news, snaps for my sister Jenny!! Annabelle wants to be Hello Kitty for Halloween, and is planning on wearing a white sweatsuit with her Hello Kitty dress from kindergarten on top. I am going to make her a white hood with cat ears and a pair of white mittens, but I can't find my box of patterns. I think I must have put them in storage, including the pattern I used when she was 3 to make the hood and mittens for her red kitty costume. At any rate, I found myself over here without ready access to the American pattern companies. But Jenny bravely ventured into the fabric department (a place she has never, ever been before) and overnighted me not just one but TWO patterns for cat costumes! Miniwave in celebration of Jenny! She has made Annabelle one happy kitty!

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