
Friday, August 22, 2003

We're here in Deutschland!!! The flight itself wasn't so bad (Mike says over my shoulder, "What a joke--the ride was horrible."), but none of us slept until the last couple of hours. So yesterday evening we were hurting pretty bad. Fred says that last night I sat bolt upright in bed, looked at him, and demanded: "Who are you and where do you live?" This morning is much better, though I was startled awake at 0630 this morning by troops running and calling cadence through our neighborhood! Just one of the charms of living on post, I guess. Fortunately, that particular charm happens only two Fridays a month.

Speaking of living on post, I think it's going to be great! First of all, the house is MUCH nicer looking in person than it is in the pictures on the DPW website. I'm very glad though that Fred was able to get one of the perimeter houses that backs up to the fields. I don't think I'd like living smack dab in the middle of everything. Second, there are tons of kids all over the place.

~~~Mini-wave in celebration of Fred~~~ He has done just an awesome job of getting things ready for us! All the furniture is assembled and in place. The beds are all made. Clothing unpacked. Tons of toys unpacked. Kitchen unpacked.

Today we are going to go run a bunch of errands, including visiting (hooray!) our nearby Walmart Super Center. Also need to get the kids officially registered as homeschoolers. Maybe tonight we can get the schnitzel we were too tired to care about yesterday.

The cat did great on the flights! I drugged him in Florida and again in Atlanta. He was quiet though he did try to play with my toes through his soft-sided carrier several times later on in our transatlantic flight. He managed to stay dry the whole 19 hours, but he was delighted to see his litterbox set up and waiting for him (again, thanks to Fred!).

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